The word Trauma is highly misunderstood.
Most people think that trauma is an extreme event like being shot or a horrific car crash or being in a hurricane.
Trauma is any negative experience that was so disturbing that you were not able to process it fully, so your psychological system buried bits of it to allow you to cope and survive.
The bits of information that got suppressed and hidden from your conscious view created triggers; these triggers (emotions, intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, startle response) are clues that you have unresolved trauma, which can develop into Post traumatic stress disorder.
The psychological stress, anxiety & depression that results from experiencing or witnessing or hearing a distressful event, is what creates the disorder.
People slip into "survival" mode rather than living in "thrival" mode. They don't even notice that things are accumulating until they run out of coping capacity. At this point, their issues are spilling over into other parts of their life, especially their relationships. Some people would rather lose a relationship than confront their issues.
Accumulated issues will begin to present with symptoms, such as stress, anxiety & depression. When the symptoms get worse is when people tend to start to pay attention.
And when ignored long enough, ptsd could develop.
At this point, exploring one's past experiences and trauma is a good place to start the healing journey.
Examples of trauma that often get overlooked:
Childhood sexual abuse
Being beaten, slapped, pushed, hit
Being told something is your fault, when it isn't
Being called nasty names
Making you feel like what you witnessed isn't true
Causing you to doubt yourself
When someone tells you that no one would ever love you
Being a scapegoat for a dysfunctional family
Not being able to express your feelings
Being told that your feelings are dumb or wrong
Being punished for sharing your feelings
Made to feel bad about something you have done (guilt)
Made to feel bad about yourself (shame)
Withholding love
PTSD is a condition that develops from unprocessed traumatic incidents. The trauma was so stressful that the psychological system stores the stress "away" in order to cope and survive. The problem is that the suppressed stress causes all sorts of symptoms (mental, emotional, physical, financial, sexual, financial, spiritual), which become difficult to manage. When you process the traumatic incidents, the symptoms and the diagnosis goes away.
Trauma therapy has you process an experience until it is resolved.
Most people believe that if you don't think about something then it must be processed.
Not true!
Often people ignore, deny, suppress, repress and compartmentalize their experiences - so that they are "out of mind". This simply means that you have blocked it someone in your mind.
Trauma therapy has you choose a topic you would like to process. This includes talking about it, viewing the images in your mind, experiencing the emotions and body sensations that attached to the incident and discharging the pent-up energy that is keeping the experience trapped in your mind and your body.
Trauma therapy provides a safe environment for you to explore and process your thoughts and feelings about an event, which when psychologically processed, can reduce the disturbing symptoms such as: anger, fear, stress, anxiety & depression.
Although this process is flexible, Ezreena has created a unique and effective approach to dealing with trauma:
1. Intake session (1-1.5 hour session)
2. A body process called the BARS, that discharges all sorts of energies built up over the years (1.5 hours)
3. Unblocking: a process that has you talk about the distressing topic until all the details come up into your awareness and the stress is discharged
4. EMDR & TIR: a deeper form of processing that brings full resolution to an experience - so that you can finally put it behind you and it no longer affects you
5. CBT: a method that helps you to change your thoughts, beliefs, opinions, judgements and conclusions. Our Points of View are what drive our emotions and our behaviours. Change your thoughts - changes your emotions and your behaviours.
People are often very aware of symptoms, such as Anger, Anxiety, Addictions, Depression, Health Issues, and they focus on the symptoms and how to manage them.
When you fully process trauma..... the symptoms lessen &/or disappear!
The symptoms are telling you that you have unprocessed experiences - they represent something that wants to be resolved!